What does wellness actually mean?

Wellness (n.) A conscious, deliberate process that requires a person to become aware of and make choices for a more satisfying lifestyle.

Dr. Peggy Swarbrick, 2012

The article “Mapping Mental Health: Dr. Swarbrick & The Eight Wellness Dimensions” describes the framework of wellness.

When we define health, we are often associating health with the absence of disease. However, as reported by the National Library of Medicine, The World Health Organization contributed to the confusion between the terms health and wellness when in 1948 it defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Health and wellness is an integration of many systems and it is not to say that individuals with chronic diseases and or health issues cannot achieve a high-quality of life.


Health issues and preventive diseases can stem from friction in any component of wellness. 

As you can see in the visual above wellness encompasses more than just your physical health (i.e. nutrition, exercise, and  sleep). That is why when I am working with clients, I focus on the person as a whole. Nutrition is a large factor, but not the only factor.

Looking to live with the ultimate vitality? Contact me for a free 45-min nutrition discovery session!