Fad Diets: Why They Don’t Work

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

There is always a new diet out on social media promoting weight loss and/or other health benefits. It is not surprising that people will fall victim to fad diets because they are looking for a quick and easy fix. It is easy to be confused by the conflicting claims and all of the hype surrounding the amazing results!

Fad diets do not work because they often cut out full food groups or large quantities of food which do not yield long-term results. If you restrict entire food groups, like carbohydrates, it is easy to lack the necessary nutrients. Not to mention, your body uses carbohydrates as a preferred energy source.

Fad diets do not work because they are usually not backed by scientific research. There is very little scientific evidence that supports the idea that eating after 7 pm causes weight gain, for example. 

Fad diets are not sustainable for long-term use and do not create lifestyle changes that are necessary for longevity. You have to ask, “Can I eat this way for the rest of my life?” If the answer is no, it is not a diet that you should utilize. There are diets, such as the elimination diet, which can be used to diagnose or find foods that trigger unwanted symptoms.

The best “diet”  is a combination of nutritious, whole foods, macro and micronutrients, and regular movement.

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