10 Grocery Store Tips – Make Healthier Choices While Shopping

1. Come Prepared

Utilize you Bloom Vital Nutrition Meal Plan and Grocery Guide and have it handy with you at the store. Knowing your meals and grocery list ahead of time will not only save you time and money but also your sanity! Let me help you!

2. Stay to the Perimeter of the Grocery Store –

The meats/seafood, produce, and dairy are on the perimeter of most grocery stores. Avoid the interior aisles (unless you know what you are getting) because that is where the majority of highly processed, prepackaged foods live on the shelves.

3. Read Nutrition Labels – 

If you are buying prepackaged foods or foods with a nutrition label, make sure you are looking at the ingredients and stay away from the added and artificial sugars that we discussed before. Also look for the sodium content, MSG, saturated and trans fat.

4. Buy in Season – 

Look for fruits and veggies that are in season. Not only are they cheaper, but they are in their prime providing lots of micronutrients

5. Buy Organic the Dirty Dozen – 

Buying solely organic does not fit in everyone’s budget and that is understandable. Save your money buying organic for the dirty dozen. The dirty dozen includes the produce with the highest amount of pesticides used. They are: strawberries, spinach, kale/collard greens, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell/hot peppers, peaches, cherries, pears, celery, tomatoes. Learn more: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php

6. Eat Before You Shop – 

Grocery shopping on an empty stomach can only end with more money spent and buying out of cravings. Save the impulsive purchases for your wardrobe!

7. Buy Canned Meat in Water – 

When buying canned fish or canned meat, buy products in water and not oil, saves calories and is better for you!

8. Buy Frozen – 

When buying meat, fruit, vegetables, you can buy frozen. Buying frozen eliminates waste, lasts longer, and saves you money! Of course it’s better to buy fresh if you are able!

9. Buy Whole Grain – 

Buying whole grain instead of multigrain bread products can provide more fiber. Avoid “enriched flour” when you can.

10. Divide the Snacks – 

If you are buying snacks to munch on or when you are in a pinch, try to portion them by serving size. Avoid eating out of the original container when possible to avoid overeating and/or eating out of boredom.


Want to learn more Healthy Tips? Visit Health.org to learn more.